From the Darkness Come Light
A Twilight Fan Fiction
by: DreamsOfEdward1
Blog: dreamsofedwardfanficblog
Twitter: @DreamsOfEdward
FFN Profile: DreamsOfEdward1
Story Summery: Through friendship & loss, Edward & Bella will realize what's been missing from their lives. Through each other, they will gain the strength to erase the memories & start a new life. She will change him in ways he never imagined possible. AH – Rated M.
Catagories: Angst and Romance
1. What inspired you to first write this story?
DOE: This story is one that I have had in my head for quite a long time now, No one thing inspired it, it was a combination of several real life events that caused me to want to write it.
2. How did you come up with your title?
DOE: Bella and Edward have to go through very dark times, especially Edward, to finally find their happiness. I saw this in my head as the sun shining through the clouds, which brought on the title From the Darkness Comes Light.
3. Do you have a specific writing style?
DOE: No not really, I write when it comes to me, I don't like to force it, if I do then it seems very unnatural to me, which in turn makes my writing appear flawed. I never write an outline or anything like that because I would never follow it anyway lol so what's the point.
4. How do you find time to write?
DOE: It's not easy but I usually use the time I have when the kids are in school or late at night when everyone is sleeping.
5. Do you have any interesting writing quirks or habits to get you in the mood?
DOE: Sometimes music helps to get me in the mood, but most of the time, I just sit back and let the characters speak to me, if they are in a chatty mood then I get a lot of writing done if not well then I just wait till their ready to talk :)
6. What do you like to do when you are not writing?
DOE: READ, READ, READ...and blog and bug my friends to death lol
7. What do you think makes a good story?
DOE: That's easy Emotional depth, to me it means everything. If you can't make your readers feel your characters or connect with them in anyway then what's the point of writing the story?
8. Do you have a writing team (i.e. betas, proofreaders, pre-readers, etc.)? If so, how do they assist you with your work?
DOE: Hmmmm....let me think. LOL. Yes my beta, which is you SparklingWand, is everything to me. I have said before, I think you live inside my head because you are able to catch the exact emotion I am looking for even when I can't grasp it myself. I think it is so important when you have a connection like that with your writing team. My proof reader TwiMoments is the same way. Where I leave off she begins. LOL. I thank God for you both every day.
9. Is there anyone who has been an encouragement to you during your writing process?
DOE: My mother has been my biggest encouragement. She had faith in me and my writing ability from the beginning and has always encouraged me to go through with it. Also, my very close friends, you know who you are, pushed me and encouraged me to finally tell this story and for that I will always be grateful.
10. Are there any fanfiction authors that have been an inspiration to you? If so, who are they and why?
DOE: Wow...that's a hard one there are so many but I'll just go with my TOP two.
1. Sebastien Robichaud - UoEM- is an amazing story told by and amazing writer. The depth of the emotion in the story and the story line it's self have kept me so entranced for so long I don't know what I'll do now that it is ending. :( I can only dream that one day I will have the ability to tell a story the way this author does.
2. InstantKarmaGirl -Just Wait- This story from the beginning, was incredible the emotional rollercoaster ride she is able to take you on is breathtaking I would give anything to be able to bring that kind of depth to my characters.
11. Are there any professional authors that have been an inspiration to you? If so, who are they and why?
DOE: Well obviously Stephenie Meyer has been a great influence for me and my writing, from the moment I read Twilight my entire world changed that is what writing is about for me to be able to effect so many people on so many different levels the way that some of the great authors do is what we all aspire as authors I think.
12. Is there a specific message you want your readers to obtain from your story?
DOE: Yes, NEVER give up no matter how tough things appear to be at the moment always KNOW there is hope for a better tomorrow...sounds cheesy I know but it is a complete belief of mine that there is a reason for everything that happens in our lives.
13. What do you think is the hardest part about writing your story?
DOE: Having faith in myself as a writer, it is what kept me from sharing anything up until now and continues to be a great struggle for me on a daily basis, thank God there are others who have had faith in me cause without them my dream of writing would not have ever come true.
14. Are there any best practices you would like to share?
DOE: Just never be afraid (like me) to share a story if you have one to tell, no matter what anyone else thinks of it or you, to me it's not about the reviews or the recognition although I won't lie when those good reviews start flying in it gives you a better high then any drug ever me it's about sharing a part of me good or bad with the reader.
15. What suggestions or words of advice would you give to upcoming writers?
DOE: Never let anyone tell you that you aren't good enough, NEVER allow that. Stand up for what your writing and NEVER change your writing to suit anyone else!
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself:
DOE: I am a wife and mother of three beautiful children, whom I adore and thank God for everyday. I am a complete Robert Pattinson hOOr!!!
2. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
DOE: A poet ...I love writing poetry because through it you are able to really share yourself with your reader.
3. What is your favorite song?
DOE: Van Morrison ~ Someone Like You!
4. What is your favorite movie?
DOE: hmmmm.....Twilight LOL but really anything with Rob in it:))
5. Who is your favorite male movie star?
DOE: Duh! Robert Pattinson LOL
6. Who is your favorite female movie star?
DOE: Emma Thompson : Sense and Sensibility need I say more LOL
7. What is your favorite book?
DOE: There are just too many to answer that with one obviously the Twilight Saga books, The Mortal Instruments, and The Vampire Academy books...but my all time Favorite book is Water For Elephants...and it is a dream come true to have Rob fill the role and bring Jacob J. to life!
8. What is your favorite food?
DOE: Chinese food any kind!
9. What is your TV show?
DOE: The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural
10. What is the one fanfic you drop everything to read?
DOE: High Anxiety by : EdwardsBloodType
11. What is your favorite complete fanfic?
DOE: Wide Awake by: AngstGoddess003 and of course Dttg By: my beautiful friend and beta SparklingWand no that’s not me sucking up it’s a beautiful love story go read!
12. Are you currently reading any published books?
DOE: Clockwork Angel by: Cassandra Clare
13. Do you have any hobbies or activities you enjoy doing outside of writing?
DOE: Just reading, writing poetry and spending as much time as possible with my kids :)
14. If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would that be?
DOE: Have to say Robert Pattinson and then he can take me home and have his way with me LOL!
15. If you were to be granted one wish in the world, any wish, what would you ask for?
DOE: I am laughing out loud at this question because if I answer it truthfully then people will really think me a RobHooR... Just kidding in reality my one wish would be to get’ always been a dream and always will be as I’m sure it is for many aspiring authors.
But if I could have 2 wishes LOL Rob dear you would be in trouble Gah!!!!
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